American Mountain Men
New England Brigade
Connecticut - Maine - Massachusetts
New Hampshire - Rhode Island - Vermont

Westfield River Party
Dave Edington, Booshway                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Party Booshway
Bossloper #2005

       Mr. Edington was the man with the vision to create the Westfield River Party in 2011. A skilled craftsman  of fine powder horns, as well as woodsman, and hunter, Dave also brings to the mountains a sharp business mind which might make Mr. W. Sublette consider making him a partner in the coming years. Mr. E. has travelled a fair piece looking to build relationships throughout the organization, and will never pass up the opportunity to palaver and swap stories and strenghten the bonds of brotherhood with his fellows.
Bossloper #1968

​        While his primary occupation in these mountains is that of a trapper, Mr. Thebodo is also a skilled hunter, craftsman, and a noted marksman. Ronnie  is also a very experienced hand and always has a tale, yarn, or anecdote for any occasion, especially when tending bar, which is his own creation as well. Ask him for a gill of shrub and a tale, and you won't be disappointed, and will have gained a trailmate for life! It's not every man who is awarded his membership card by passing through an honor guard saluting with the finest New England maple! It also should be noted that, every now and again, Mr. Thebodo has been known to associate with the stars of the Alaskan moving pictures as well!
Bossloper #1911

        Mr. Duff is a true man of honor, whose word is his bond, and is always there to help a friend. A well travelled hand, Duffy's inquisitive mind, particularly about the trail to come, is the stuff of legend, as his skill in games of chance, as some of our brothers from Michigan can attest to after a run of luck in which the dice took a huge shining  to Mr. D. leaving some of our friends to hold on to their shirts for fear of losing them! A man with a great attitude, problems seem to fall away from "Duffy" like water from a duck's back. It seems likely that Ray's career path will follow that of Mr. Sublette's into the potential ownership of a racetrack and spa when his time in the mountains has finished.
At spring camp May 5th 2011 the first conversations were had about forming a new AMM party from Massachusetts. The Westfield River party had its inaugural meeting at the Original Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous in West Warren, Massachusetts on May 30, attended by eleven AMM members including members of the White Mountain Party (NH) and Non-Party (?). The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the possibility of establishing a party for men from Massachusetts, and, if the interest was there, begin the process of establishing that party to be part of the New England Brigade. D. Edington, B. Cripps, R. Duff, S. Wiley, and R. Thebodo voted in favor of the creation of the Westfield River Party, with Edington being elected Party Booshway and Cripps as Party Clerk.

The party derives its name from a picturesque mountain valley in western Massachusetts which the men of New England have used as a gathering place since its discovery by Msrs Shaw, Kemp, and Farnsworth in '75. In the time since, the valley has become part of the identity of the mountaineers of New England, being a thread in the fabric of countless tales, adventures, and memories of all sorts, so that in many ways it has become a home that we look forward to returning to on an annual basis.

In the years since its inception, the Westfield River Party has strove to create a reputation of a "high quality outfit" not only within the New England Brigade, but throughout the American Mountain Men through adhering to the AMM goal to "teach, share, and learn the arts and skills of the original Mountain Men" by hosting and attending activities ranging from hunting and trapping camps, to educational demonstrations, while also focussing on the academic realm through numerous contributions to the Tomahawk and Long Rifle and extensive communication and conversation with AMM brothers across the country as well as hosting the 2015 AMM Eastern Territorial Rendezvous. As well as increasing it's numbers by over 50% in only five years. Although the younger party in the New England Brigade, the Westfield River Party's continued dedication to excellence is second to none!
Westfield River Party Spring Camp, plus Non-Party Members and invited guests, Edington Property, Rehoboth, MA (2012)
Brian Santos
(pictured in the middle)
Associate Member

        Mr. Santos brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the party. He is dedicated to the cause and has demonstrated his commitment by preserving the traditions hosting limitless events fostering opportunities for green horns to learn from those well-travelled veterans. He is a leader among leaders in New England and never stops expanding his desire to improve himself. A member of the North East Mountain Men and the Old Sturbridge Village Tavern Group as well as the guiding influence at his home club in New Bedford.